zain baba

Zain Baba

Welcome to the home of Zain Baba. Thank you for visiting my site, whether intentionally or inadvertently. I am sure you will enjoy viewing the pages. I invite you to browse through the pages on my latest creations. First is the memoir that reminisces the four enchanting and transformative years of my life during the post-dolce vita era of 1970s in Rome. The other is a fictious novella that captures the poignant tale of a young nomadic couple and the unforgettable experience of remote working in the enchanting island of Sri Lanka.


Four Years of Dolce Vita

‘Four Years of Dolce Vita’  is a journey through art, culture, and self-discovery where every fleeting moment shapes a lasting legacy. As the title of the book implies, La Dolce Vita represented the ‘sweet life’ or good life during the 60s Italy. For Zain, the post-dolce vita period was, indeed, a time of transformation and enlightenment. In fact, it was his dolce vita.

Nomads Colony in Paradise Island

‘Nomads Colony in Paradise Island’ is a story of romance and a journey through culture, nature, heritage, and self-discovery, where every fleeting moment shapes a lasting memory. As for Zain in the 1970s Italy, one short year of living experience of the young Dutch couple (Patricia and Bartolomeo) as digital nomads in Sri Lanka was an eye-opener. It was, indeed, a year full of exciting life and self-discovery although it didn’t turn out to be dolce (sweet) for Bartolomeo.

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Zain Baba is a British Asian educator and writer with a rich and indelible experience of travelling, learning, and working across Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. Most of his productive years were spent in Europe, both as a student and educator. At present, Zain lives in London with his family. He enjoys cooking, both Italian and South Asian. In this memoir, he reflects on the four enchanting and transformative years he spent living in Rome in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Based on the culinary experiences narrated in his memoir ‘Four Years of Dolce Vita,’ Zain is compiling a recipe book to be published later this year. Readers interested in the ‘My Dolce Vita’ recipe book, can contact the author.

Zain has extensively travelled across his native Sri Lanka in his early years as well as frequently in later years. In his latest book, he vividly captures the experiences of a young Dutch couple who embarks on a year-long nomadic adventure of working remotely in the paradise island of Sri Lanka. It is story of romance, friendship, and heartbreak. It is also a journal of travel, nature and heritage trails, surfing and snorkelling, and vibrant culture and exotic cuisine.

What Will You Discover?


Zain’s writings are full of adventures and he passionately express them for the readers to feel and experience. 


Everyone grows up and transform throughout their lifecycle. Zain and the characters in his writings are no exception.

Travel and Food

Zain is fond of travel and food. You will always enjoys reading about new destinations and culinary discoveries.


Readers are guaranteed to go through a fascinating learning process and gain exceptional knowledge through Zain’s creations.

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